Mr. Thalheimer has performed several airport and aircraft-related acoustical studies for the purposes of runway extension projects and FAA Part 150 Studies.These projects are often measurement intensive requiring coordinated noise monitoring at many community locations sampling hundreds of aircraft overflights (both fixed wing and rotor). Aircraft noise modeling is typically performed as well using the FAA’s Aviation Environmental Design Tool (AEDT) and formerly the Integrated Noise Model (IMN). Aircraft noise mitigation options include operational alterations, flight path changes, aircraft and hours restrictions, and residential soundproofing.
Example airport/aircraft noise studies that Mr. Thalheimer has been involved with include the following:
- Wing Delivery Drone Noise Support, Google Wing, Palo Alto, CA – Extending on similar
acoustical work done by WSP in Australia, performed acoustical training and
quantifying support for Wing’s development of delivery drones. Performed flyby
noise measurement tests of production and prototype drones at Wing’s test
facility in Hollister, California. Flyby noise level were measured using three
Svantek 971 sound meters at various traverse distances and the results were
reduced in accordance with 14 CFR Appendix J to Part 36, Section J36.205 and
ICAO Annex 16.
- Plymouth
Airfield EA, Campbell & Paris Engineers, Plymouth, MA (1994) –
Performed extensive community noise measurements and aircraft event
collection utilizing three noise monitors simultaneously at a total of 6
locations to evaluate existing aircraft noise conditions surrounding the
airfield as part of a runway extension assessment.
- Minuteman
Airfield Noise Impact EA, Daylor Associates, Stow, MA (1994) – General aviation and helicopter noise evaluation mandated by the
FAA. Responsible for ambient and aircraft event specific noise
monitoring program surrounding airfield. Assisted with INM model
development and validation.
- Runway 27 Environmental Impact Study, Logan International Airport, Boston, MA (1991) – Performed noise measurements in neighboring residential communities in an effort to document and assess aircraft noise impact for three alternative flight tracks under FAA considerati
- West
Palm Beach Airport, FL (1989) – Participated on Bruel & Kjaer team
developing airport noise measurement system, designed outdoor monitoring
poles, trained staff in use of equipment.
- Assisted with Airport Noise Measurement Systems (1985-1989) – Presentations, demonstrations and proposals for several airports including Boston, Orlando, St. Louis, Los Angeles, Orange County, Ft. Lauderdale, Minneapolis, Atlanta, etc. Bruel & Kjaer promotional activity.